Lapis Lazuli

Lapis lazuli is a deep-blue metamorphic rock that has been prized since antiquity for its intense color. It is used as a semi-precious stone for jewelry making, sculpting material, pigment, and ornamental material. High-quality lapis lazuli can be a costly gem. The most desirable specimens have a rich, solid blue color and perhaps a few reflective pieces of gold pyrite.
Lapis lazuli is also believed to have healing properties. It is said to be beneficial to the throat, larynx, and vocal cords and helps regulate the endocrine and thyroid glands. It overcomes hearing loss and other problems with ear and nasal passages. Lapis lazuli enhances circulation and improves cardiac rhythm.
In conclusion, lapis lazuli is a beautiful blue gem that has been prized since ancient times for its intense color. It is used for jewelry making, sculpting material, pigment, and ornamental material. It is also believed to have healing properties.